Lava Island Play Policies and Safety Guidelines
A signed Waiver is required for each person who enters Lava Island. A signed Participant Agreement (Waiver) is required for each adult. Every child must be added to a parent or guardian’s waiver. Proof of signed Waiver and photo identification may be required to enter. By entering Lava Island, you accept all terms and conditions of our Participant Agreement (Waiver).
Entrance Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. Deposits for Party Packages are non-refundable.
Lava Island reserves the right to refuse admittance or suspend services to anyone for any reason.
Outside Food Policy
Outside food and drinks are prohibited. No outside food or beverages are allowed inside Lava Island. Do not bring snacks, food, carryout food, or drinks into Lava Island.
Walk-in Party POLICY
Cake is not allowed in the Playground area, Trampoline area, or seating areas. Walk-in parties are not permitted. Cake, gifts, and balloons are only allowed in private Party Rooms with the purchase of a Party Package. Customers who violate this policy may be asked to leave and will forfeit Entrance Fee(s).
Entrance Fee POLICY
Each child and adult, watching or playing, who enters Lava Island must pay General Admission. The Entrance Fee allows access to activity and seating areas for one hour. Infants age 0-9 months may enter with a paying adult for no charge.
Expired Pass POLICY
Guests are required to leave at the end of the purchased time, when the wristband expires. Additional time may be purchased as capacity allows. Valid wristbands are required. People without wristbands will be asked to leave.
Participation POLICY
Inherent risk is associated with physical activities. Do not participate in physical activities if you have a health condition or injury.
Accompanying Adult Defined
The accompanying adult is the adult, parent, and/or guardian who brings a child (minor aged 0-17) to Lava Island. The accompanying adult must check-in and remain with the child for the duration of the visit. Minors without an accompanying adult will not be admitted.
Supervision POLICY
Lava Island is a self-supervision environment. The accompanying adult is responsible for the supervision of the child at all times. There is an inherent risk involved in the use of Lava Island equipment. It is the responsibility of the accompanying adult to supervise the child, and to have knowledge of the activities the child participates in and that these activities are within the child’s ability to execute safely. Lava Island does not assess the physical or mental abilities of any of our guests.
Safety Rules POLICY
Adults are required to read and follow all posted signs and safety rules and to ensure that the child follows all safety rules. Lava Island is a self-supervised environment which requires the accompanying adult to remain within a distance of the child where they can ensure that the child plays in a manner to avoid injury.
Safety & whereabouts of minors POLICY
Lava Island does not assume either the liability or responsibility of child supervision. Lava Island is a self-supervision environment, and we advise the accompanying adult that they are responsible for the child they accompany into Lava Island, and remain ultimately responsible for the safety and whereabouts of the child.
unattended Minors POLICY
Children 17 years and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children are not allowed at Lava Island without an accompanying adult. Do not leave children unattended. Children left unattended will be turned over to local authorities for Child Abandonment.
Biohazard POLICY
Adult guests are required to immediately notify a staff member if they are aware of any vomit, fecal event, or blood (i.e. a child had an accident, leaky diaper, or bloody nose) that has occurred.
Injuries must be reported to a staff member before leaving.
Lost and found POLICY
Lava Island does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen personal property. Lost items and abandoned items will be discarded. Do not take phones, head phones, wallets, or car keys into the foam pit or active play areas.
personal property POLICY
Open storage cubicles are available for shoes and jackets. We recommend that valuables remain secured in a vehicle. Lava Island does not accept responsibility for losses or damages to personal property.
Regular socks are required at all times and bare feet are never allowed. Grip socks are recommended during trampoline use. Grip socks are not allowed on the Playground equipment and pose significant risk of injury on the slides. The accompanying adult is responsible for ensuring that the child follows this policy.
Adult Use of Equipment POLICY
Adults are responsible for ensuring they do not behave in a manner or use equipment in a way that may cause injury to a child or damage to the equipment.
Drug & alcohol POLICY
Alcohol is not permitted and cannot be consumed inside Lava Island. Drugs are not allowed inside Lava Island. Intoxicated guests or guests under the influence of drugs will be asked to leave.
vulgar language POLICY
Profanity, vulgar, and abusive language is not tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion. Vulgar language is not permitted and unruly guests will be refused services and asked to leave.
Security check POLICY
All persons and property are subject to search. No packages, backpacks, coolers, or parcels. No weapons or firearms. No explosives or flammables. No sharp knives or sharp objects. No pepper spray or mace. Report any suspicious activity to Security or a staff member immediately.
Violence & weapons POLICY
Threats of violence are not tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion. Weapons are not allowed.
Theft Policy
Lava Island reserves the right to prosecute all theft to the fullest extent of the law.
Privacy POLICY
We will share your information with law enforcement and third parties for the investigation and prosecution of crimes and the collection of debts.
Service Animal POLICY
Service animals are permitted. Pets and emotional support animals are not permitted.
Covid-19 Policy
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By visiting Lava Island, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. We recommend that you follow current guidelines.